Ms Sharlene Vlahos
Director Education and Business Development
BA Nursing; Cert Child and Family Health; Masters of Nursing – Clinical Leadership. Adjunct Lecturer Western Sydney University- Masters of Child and Family Health.
Sharlene leads various projects and initiatives within the service, including managing the Department of Social Services partnerships with Mission Australia, The Smith Family, Benevolent Society and oversees the delivery of the Targeted Early Intervention programs in South West Sydney. Sharlene is the executive manager for Village Connect and Karitane Young Parent Program- a partnership with Department of Communities and Justice.
Sharlene leads the internal and external professional development portfolio ensuring the delivery of quality education to multidisciplinary professional workforce. Sharlene is an Adjunct Lecturer with WSU Masters of Child and Family Health and provides advice, and has led many unique projects in partnership with the University including the development of the Child and Family Health New Graduate Nurse Program- the first of its kind for child and family health.
Sharlene is a trained facilitator in Family Partnership Training and is accredited to train Facilitators in NSW. Â Sharlene is also a facilitator for Circle of Security, Tuning into Kids and has completed the Partnership Brokerage Training.