Internet-Parent Child Interaction Therapy
In PCIT, trained therapists provide direct live coaching to parents during parent-child play sessions, to teach new skills aimed at improving the quality of the parent-child relationship. Using video-based teleconference technology, I-PCIT therapists located at the Karitane toddler clinic in Sydney deliver PCIT to families from across NSW, in their own homes.
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The I-PCIT service breaks down geographical barriers and ensures that all NSW families can access specialised parenting support and intervention, including those from rural areas.
Who uses internet-parent child interaction therapy?
Families in rural or regional NSW with children displaying behaviour problems, these include:
- Physical and verbal aggression
- Non-compliance
- Over-activity
- Tantrums
- Destructive behaviour
- Hyperactivity
- Sibling rivalry
- Anxiety and withdrawal
The average treatment program is 6 to 12 weekly sessions for 1 hour. Regular attendance and daily practise of the skills at home are necessary for you and your child to obtain the best results.
Age range
Families with children 15 months to 4 years.
What to expect
The initial appointment will be for 2 hours and we will use that time to discuss your current concerns. Your child/children will attend this appointment and will be free to play throughout. We encourage partners to attend as often two parents in the same home have different ideas about the same behaviours. With your consent, during this appointment we like to complete a short play task that will be recorded. While this is not a condition for inclusion in the program, it helps us to see how your child plays and how they moves through different tasks.
What you need
- An internet connection
- A desktop, tablet or smartphone with video-cam
- A quiet place in your home for appointments with a selection of toys for the child.
- Your child’s “My Personal Health Record (blue book)
- The questionnaire that will be sent to you upon acceptance into the progra
How to start the process/ what to do first
Parents can self-refer on-line here. A referral from a health professional, such as your doctor or a child and family health nurse is also accepted, to find your local child and family health centre, contact HealthDirect on 1800 022 222.
This is a free health service to the community.

Our specialised toddler clinic is now offering PCIT to families across NSW using video based teleconferencing.