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Who we are

Founded in 1923, Karitane is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity who has been a pioneer in offering expert parental support, education and advice. Over 100 years, Karitane has become a recognised leader in supporting families to navigate parenting in the first 2,000 days of their child's life. We have a history of innovation, providing leading specialist early parenting services while driving accessibility and support for parents, to ensure that every child receives the best start in life.

Our commitment to supporting Australian families when and where they need us, has seen our range and reach of services significantly grow, with face-to-face and virtual models of care and an extensive suite of programs to support some of the most vulnerable communities. 

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2023 Centenary year

Karitane celebrates our Centenary year - 100 years of parenting through generations.

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2022 A year of milestones

Official opening of Wolli Creek Hub, an integrated care service. Launched ForWhen, a national perinatal mental health care navigation service for new and expectant parents

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2021 Karitane goes national

Launched Connecting the Dots, a national early childhood nutrition program.

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2020 Digital transformation

Our digital transformation in response to the COVID-19-19 pandemic created capability for new models of care, including virtual residential, virtual breastfeeding clinic and further expansion of integrated care hubs in regional centres.

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2019 Karitane goes digital

Launched our digital health hub with two new services — Virtual Home Visits and Internet-Parent Child Interaction therapy — opened by the Minister for Health and Medical Research, The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP.

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2018 Launched Integrated Care Hubs

Integrated Care Hubs opened at Westfield Bondi Junction and Oran Park Podium.

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2017 Support for Aboriginal families

Karitane appointed an Aboriginal Liaison Officer and celebrated 15 years of Lil Possums Aboriginal supported playgroup.

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2014 A year of firsts

Karitane website for parents and professionals launched. The Hon. Jillian Skinner, MP opened Karitane Gardens Camden, a new outdoor play area for toddlers.

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2013 Major refurbishments

Major refurbishments at the residential unit at Carramar to provide family rooms for parents with more than one child.

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2012 Camden Toddler Clinic opened

Camden toddler clinic opened by the Minister for Health and Minister of Medical Research, The Hon. Jillian Skinner, MP.

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2011 Karitane comes to Camden

Karitane residential unit opened at Camden Hospital.

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2000 Volunteer program launched

Volunteer home visiting program commenced in Fairfield, Liverpool and Bankstown.

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1996 Opened mental health services

Changed name to Karitane and opened mental health services.

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1994 Moved to Carramar

Residential hospital moved to Carramar, where we remain today.

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1970 New name, same expertise

Changed name to Karitane Mothercraft Society.

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1927 Karitane goes mobile

Larger hospital purchased with mobile clinics supporting families in the outer areas of Sydney.

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1924 Karitane opens Coogee clinic

First baby clinic opened in Coogee in 1924.

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1923 Founded by Sir Truby King

Australian Mothercraft Society was founded by Sir Truby King, where he and his wife provided care to 13 malnourished babies in a small house in the beach town of Karitane, New Zealand.


Mr Lee Carpenter


Mr Lee Carpenter

Ms Elyse Jeffress


Ms Elyse Jeffress

Mr Jean-Baptiste Naudet


Mr Jean-Baptiste Naudet

Mr Paul Herbert


Mr Paul Herbert

Ms Hediyeh Vahdat


Ms Hediyeh Vahdat

Ms Kathy Jones


Ms Kathy Jones

Ms Lesley Jordan


Ms Lesley Jordan

Ms Marion Skulley


Ms Marion Skulley

Paul White


Paul White


Ms Grainne O' Loughlin


Ms Grainne O' Loughlin

Mr Peter Yeung


Mr Peter Yeung

Ms Sharlene Vlahos


Ms Sharlene Vlahos

Ms Dinethra Nandakoban


Ms Dinethra Nandakoban

Ms Angela Wood


Ms Angela Wood


The Hon Jillian Skinner AM


The Hon Jillian Skinner AM

Laura Jayes


Laura Jayes

Our Strategic Direction

Our Purpose

We are trusted early parenting experts empowering families and children to be healthy, confident and resilient. 

Our Vision

Our impact will enable children to have the best start in life.

Our Values

Respect - Our Relationships
Our relationships are characterised by respect, support and a recognition of the value of every individual. Each family and child, colleague and care partner is important to us. We value our diverse backgrounds and professional approaches that contribute equally to Karitane’s success in providing care.

Innovation - Our future focus
We commit to creative and innovative approaches to our work informed by ongoing research, increasing knowledge, evidence-based practice and contemporary approaches to care. We seek new opportunities for delivering services that are sustainable and transforming for the families we serve.

Collaboration - Our partnership approach 
We seek to collaborate with our families, our colleagues and care partners to achieve our purpose. We build our partnerships through effective teamwork, shared decision making, our caring and supportive approach and appropriate and 
timely communication.

Excellence - Our standards
We strive for excellence in our work supported by effective leadership, professional, transparent and accountable practices, cultural awareness and a commitment to continuous learning.

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Annual Reports

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2023/24 Annual Report

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100 Years Pictorial History

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2022/23 Annual Report

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2021/22 Annual Report

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2020/21 Annual Report

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2019/20 Annual Report

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2018/19 Annual Report

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2017/18 Annual Report