Karitane Young Parents Program
We empower families by providing education, support and guidance for young parents. This program offers a fun and relaxing way to study with other young parents and work towards formal qualifications in a Certificate III in Community Services Work from TAFE NSW. We provide free training, childcare and lunch plus links to education and other service providers. On completion of the course you will be guided and supported into further study and have the opportunity to share your story with school students!
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The Karitane young parent program is a three part early intervention and prevention program aimed at reengaging young parents back into tertiary education to receive formal qualifications and increase capacity of long term employment in their chosen career.
Part One:
Young parents enrolled in the program complete a six month training program with accreditation for 8 units in the Certificate III in Community Services from TAFE NSW. Upon completion the young parents are then guided into further study and receive accreditation for the units completed within the program.
Part Two:
This part of the program engages young parents in case management every 4-8 weeks. During case management young parents are offered individualised support focused on strategies that support their goals including links to support services as required to address their unique needs and receive career guidance. Young parents in the program are provided with opportunities to connect with other young parents during ongoing education sessions and specialty activities.
Part Three:
The third part of the program provides young parents with the opportunity to deliver an interactive presentation to secondary school students across Sydney, NSW. The presentation highlights the responsibilities and barriers that young people face when falling pregnant at a young age and illustrates the major lifestyle changes required when parenting at a young age”. This is a FREE COURSE for young parents aged 24 years and under based in Campbelltown,NSW where lunch and childcare are provided for free. Places are limited with only 10 spots each year.. Referrals can be made directly to the project officer and young parents can either self-refer or have a support service refer on their behalf.

"Karitane changed my life!"
Program Manager:
Sarah Jane Stoicescu | sarahjane.stoicescu@health.nsw.gov.au | 0407 942 397