undefined - PCIT-Toddler Training - illustration 730fd2e5-11bd-4010-a5b7-be6d2b560e3f

Karitane - PCIT-Toddler Training - illustration 3097747b-2150-44fd-af34-b5edc93f5842

PCIT-Toddler Training (PCIT)

Part one: Introduction to standard PCIT

  • Overview of standard PCIT (theoretical foundations; Evidence-base; major treatment components; adaptations)
  • Introduction and training in the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS)
  • Skills training in the delivery of didactic teaching sessions and live parent coaching, with a focus on Child Directed Interaction (CDI) skills
  • Case observations

Part two: PCIT-Toddler training

  • Overview of PCIT-T (theoretical foundations; evidence-base; major treatment components; PCIT-T as an adaptation of standard PCIT)
  • The CDI-Toddler phase: 'C-A-R-E-S' model for coaching parent and child emotional regulation; emotional labeling and coaching; approaches to difficult or aggressive behaviour; promoting caregiver reflection)
  • The PDI-Toddlers phase: 'Tell-Show-Try Again-Guide' sequence; language enhancement; life enhancement sessions; preparing for graduation
  • Evaluating outcomes: Using the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS-IV) in PCIT-T; The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) for Infants and Toddlers


Date:Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th September 2025: Part 1: Introduction to PCIT (for clinicians with no prior PCIT training/experience)
Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th September 2025: Part 2: PCIT-Toddler training (for all attendees)
Topic:Introduction to PCIT (for all clinicians with no prior PCIT training/ experience) 
Time:8:30am- 5:00pm 
Cost:5 -days workshop $3080 AUS including gst
2-day workshop $1,375 AUS including gst
Location:Via Zoom 
Facilitators:Jane Kohlhoff, Sue Morgan & Nancy Wallace 
For further information see our event flyer.  


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