undefined - Let's Walk, Talk and Connect - Village Connect - illustration 730fd2e5-11bd-4010-a5b7-be6d2b560e3f

Karitane - Let's Walk, Talk and Connect - Village Connect - illustration 3097747b-2150-44fd-af34-b5edc93f5842

Village Connect Let's Walk, Talk and Connect

Meet at Picton Gardens and enjoy connecting with other parents. Bring the kids and let's get social.

Time: 9:30am-11am

Date: Mondays; Starting 3rd February

Location: Picton Gardens 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton NSW 2571

Contact: Village Connect 0409 974 577, KRTNE-VillageConnect@health.nsw.gov.au

Eligibility: For people 25 years or younger, pregnant or parenting, living in South West Sydney.

Bring the kids and let's get social 

Please complete the following form to register.

Complete this form to register your interest in the upcoming course.