How to Overcome FOUR of the Most Common Breastfeeding Challenges
This week we are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week!
Breastfeeding can be a beautiful but sometimes challenging moment in your parenting journey. Here are the top 4 most common breastfeeding challenges and how to overcome them.
1. Your breasts feel very full and uncomfortable in the first few weeks after birth.
Wear a well-supported maternity bra and apply cold packs to breasts to help ease discomfort.
2. Your nipples are cracked, painful or bleeding.
This is often due to a latching problem. Try to make sure your baby’s nose and top lip is in line with your nipple, your baby is held close and is well supporting while feeding.
3. A small lump has developed on your breast.
You may have a blocked duct. To prevent this try to offer your baby both breasts while nursing and avoid tight tops and bras. If you do have a blocked duct a very gentle massage just behind the affected area during the feed may help and for babies over 10 days old you may also apply moist heat prior to the feed. Â
4. You feel like your milk supply is low.
If your supply is low the quickest and most successful way to boost your supply is to breastfeed more often. If your baby does not settle after a feed you could offer another quick little ‘top up’ breastfeed. Expressing after feeds and offering your baby the expressed milk can help as well. Remember that breast milk flows best when you are relaxed and calm, so try to rest, eat a well-balanced diet with adequate fluids, and accept some help from family and friends.
* If you have any medical concerns talk to a health professional such as your Child and Family Health Nurse, Lactation Consultant or an Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellor.
Karitane is committed to families and the community; we are supportive of mothers who choose to work and breastfeed with their children. Our organisation is proud to have achieved Breastfeeding Workplace Friendly accreditation since 2012 from the Australian Breastfeeding Association.
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