undefined - South West Sydney Research - From face-to-face to virtual services - illustration 730fd2e5-11bd-4010-a5b7-be6d2b560e3f

South West Sydney Research - From face-to-face to virtual services

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Karitane - South West Sydney Research - From face-to-face to virtual services - illustration 37515712-272f-4a4c-9051-d041b75b3aeb

03 June 2020

Reading time
5 min read

Mental Health

When COVID19 hit Australia early this year, it left many health services scrambling to find the best virtual solution for their usual face-to-face services. One organisation, however, has been ahead of the curve having commenced the virtual delivery of some of their services over two-and-a half years ago.

In 2017, Karitane began their digital transformation strategy by looking at transforming existing programs into virtual models of care. They initially selected two models which academic research has since shown to be highly successful...

Read the full article here; https://www.southwestsydneyresearch.org.au/from-face-to-face-to-virtual-services-a-success-story-during-covid19/

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